Community Benefit Campaigns
Anti-displacement community design master plans and workshops
Salazar Architect grew out of a series of Community Benefit Campaigns from 1998 to 2008, where we collaborated with diverse community-based organizations to advocate for affordable housing in large-scale market-rate developments. We provided pro-bono urban design services to the Coalition for Workforce Housing (1998-2003), the Wood Street Train Station Coalition (2005), the Oak-To-9th Coalition (2005-2006), and the Fruitvale Gateway Coalition (2007-2008). Each effort involved strategic planning, community workshops, urban design work, and participation in public protests and media campaigns. Our collective work helped secure living wage jobs, protected the environment, and won hundreds of affordable apartments, much of which have been built. The 80-unit Fox Courts development by RCD in the Uptown master plan, the 99-unit Iron Horse development by Bridge Housing in the Central Station master plan, and the 221-unit Parcel F development by MidPen Housing in the Brooklyn Basin master plan are a few of the affordable developments that originated from these grassroots campaigns.
Salazar Architect provided urban design services.
Location: Oakland, California
Clients: East Bay Housing Organizations, Just Cause Oakland, Urban Strategies Council, EBASE, EBAYC, APEN, OCO, and others
Awards: 2009 AIA San Francisco Young Architect Award; 2008 AIA California Community Housing Assistance Honor Award
Uptown: Fox Courts Affordable Housing by Pyatok Architects
Uptown conceptual site plan
Uptown workshop
Central Station: Iron Horse Affordable Housing by David Baker Architects. Image by Brian Rose
Central Station conceptual plan
Central Station protest
Fruitvale Gateway Media Event
Fruitvale Gateway conceptual axon
Fruitvale Gateway workshop
Brooklyn Basin Affordable Housing by HKIT Architects. Image by HKIT
Brooklyn Basin protest
Brooklyn Basin conceptual master plan