Hillsboro 10th Avenue Visioning
Community workshops, mercado pop-ups, cultural/spatial assessment walk, and visioning
The 10th Avenue District is a vibrant multicultural business district and also a major transportation corridor with high traffic volumes within the city of Hillsboro. The 10th Avenue Vision Foundation goals include:
Calm traffic and enhance safety and sense of inclusion for bikes and pedestrians
Preserve neighborhood character and “sense of place.”
Convene property owners and nearby business operations to explore ideas for enhancing or creating destination neighborhoods.
In 2021, the city initiated a community visioning project to engage and empower business owners, residents, and people in the community that live, work, access services, and shop in the area to lead the long-term vision for the area.
Salazar Architect is providing community engagement, site feasibility, and urban design services.
Location: Hillsboro, Oregon
Client: City of Hillsboro