Summit Gardens

Community engagement and redesign of housing to support farm worker families

At Summit Gardens, Salazar Architect provided community engagement services, leading a series of hands-on design workshops, which went from broad master planning topics to specific housing design questions. We covered site planning, amenities, and apartment topics. The community engagement process was designed to help Studio C (the Prime Architect) gain culturally specific knowledge so that they could redesign the work to be more responsive to the needs of farmworker families. After each workshop, Salazar Architect summarized the community’s input and suggested design revisions for Studio C, CASA of Oregon, and Coalición Fortaleza to consider. The new plans have stacked-flat apartment buildings with direct stair access to apartments rather than long corridors; more and better located open space; new murals; interior design improvements, and many other aspects that better support farmworker families. 

Salazar Architect is providing community engagement and urban design services. Studio C is prime architect.

Location: Medford, Oregon
Client: CASA of Oregon


Talent Mobile Estates Cooperative


Talent Master Plan and Gateway Site Feasibility